Guarantee of Origin (GO) Prime Movers Union Database (UDB) - 3rd Workshop

Dear Stakeholders,

The Guarantee of Origin (GO) Prime Movers, comprising experts from Energy Traders Europe, Eurogas, EBA, ENTSOG, ERGAR, GIE and RECS invite you to a third public workshop on the Union Database (UDB) on 30 January 2025 from 10:30 to 16:00 CET. The event will be in a hybrid format, both on-line and at the ENTSOG office, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100 - 1000 Brussels.

The workshop will take place under Chatham House rules.

This workshop is a follow-up to the discussion that took place at the previous workshops, held on 11 April and 3 July 2024, the conclusions of which are published on the ENTSOG website:

The aim of these workshops is to contribute to the final phase of implementation of the Union Database (UDB, RED-III Art.31a) with a focus on gaseous fuels, as developed by the European Commission.

The workshop will comprise several sessions, with expert presentations, panel discussion and interactive Q&A with the participants.

The discussion will be focused mainly on the UDB implementation timeline and exchange of experience so far, update on a revision of the Implementing Act 2022/996 and cross-border trading of subsidised biomethane.

An agenda will be available in the coming weeks in the ‘Agenda’ tab on this page.

Registration: please use the 'Registration' tab on this page to indicate your intention to join in-person or online before 17 January 2025 COB.
The number of participants for the in-person format is limited due to the venue’s capacity, and registrations will be on a first-come, first-served basis. A waiting list may be made available in case full capacity is reached.

A Microsoft Teams access link will be sent to those who have registered to participate online a few days before the workshop date.

An email confirmation will be sent to those who have registered to attend in-person.

In case if any questions related to registration, please contact

In case of any other questions, please contact

We are looking forward to your participation.

The ENTSOG team on behalf of the GO Prime Movers (Energy Traders Europe, Eurogas, EBA, ENTSOG, ERGAR, GIE and RECS).

The agenda will be available soon

ENTSOG office (ground floor)

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100

1000 Brussels

Online: a Microsoft Teams access link will be sent to those who have registered to participate online a few days before the workshop date

There are currently no files attached for this event

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