ENTSOs WINTER OUTLOOK ASSESSMENT 2019 / 2020 WEBINAR, 27 November 2019, 11:00 – 12:00 (CET)

ENTSO-E and ENTSOG will host a webinar to present the results of their assessment of gas and electricity system adequacy in Europe for the winter 2019/2020 on 27 November.

The ENTSOG Winter Supply Outlook report (available on the ENTSOG website here) indicated:

  • Storage filling level on 1 October 2019 is the highest level of the last eight years.
  • 2018 winter LNG imports were comparable to pre-Fukushima incident levels, indicating that the LNG terminals utilisation will be significantly higher for the coming winter season.
  • The Cold Winter simulation undertaken suggests there are no indications that supply flows will significantly differ from those noted in the last years.
  • European gas system offers sufficient flexibility across the winter season in Europe.

The seasonal Outlooks are used to provide a valuable overview of the European natural gas transmission network for the upcoming season.

The webinar will facilitate participants to ask ENTSOs' experts additional questions.

Please use the link to reserve your place now

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