Repurposing for Renewable Gases

Repurposing of pipelines for renewable gases transport (e.g. hydrogen) is a cost effective way to meet decarbonisation goals and can be undertaken without compromising the ability of the natural gas network to ensure security of supply.


SmartSwitch project

H2 injection impacts major gas parameters, including pipeline pressure drop, flowrate, velocity, and most importantly, composition, GCV and Wobbe index, therefore prior to H2 addition to the grid, the installation has to achieve that the resulting blend will satisfy gas parameters. The above will be controlled by a smart hydrogen injection and operation system, which will keep hydrogen percentages at certain levels, while also deblending solutions will be applied for consumers with special needs in fuel purity.  


eustream, a.s.

Adjustment of existing eus pipeline SK-HU

Adjustment of the line of the transmission system for transmission of 100% H2 between Slovakia and Hungary will create possibility for H2 transmisson in the North -South direction. Project is part of the Slovak Hydrogen Backbone and the SEEHyCorridor inititative. Eustream has been conducting informal market survey. Close discussions with potential H2 producers and offtakers have resulted in conclusion of several Letters of Support or Memorandum of Understanding confirming their support to and interest in the Project implementation.



Gas system retrofitting for 100% H2 future capability

Planning and reconstruction of gas nodes, safety and metering equipment for receiving and adding decarbonized gases into the gas transmission system will begin. This includes the development of a "smart gas network" which includes advanced digital systems and components, control systems, sensor technologies, gas flow and quality management devices (compressors, gas flow control sets, reconstruction and chromatographic equipment, etc.), as to enable interactive and intelligent monitoring, measuring, quality control and management of receiving and transmission of decarbonized gases - implementation deadline in the next 10-15 years. 



H2RENGRID - Transport Network

The project is intended to develop the necessary repurposing of the national transmission network (RNTG) for blending of hydrogen into the natural gas streams. According to the current national legislation and regulation, the network has to be able to receive gas mixtures of hydrogen and natural gas with hydrogen content of 10% v/v until 2030. For the national transmission network (RNTG), the investments are split into pipelines and inspection programs, control systems, AGI (above ground installations) equipment and analysers and metering equipment.


Gas Networks Ireland

Hydrogen Integration

GNI is preparing for the integration of hydrogen into the existing natural gas system through the development of dedicated hydrogen networks at strategic clusters and the preparation of the existing network to accept blends of hydrogen. The Irish national hydrogen strategy published in July 2023 identifies that although blending of hydrogen and biomethane is unlikely to be an enduring end use for hydrogen produced in Ireland it could provide a route to market for the first phase of hydrogen production projects as well as recognising that hydrogen blends will enter Ireland through the interconnectors to Great Britain if the UK begin to blend into their natural gas network. 


National Grid Gas

Project GRAID

National Grid's robotic inspection device GRAID can inspect the inside of live, high-pressure gas pipelines, up to 100 bar(g) and provide reliable condition data on our critical assets. This technological leap will allow NGGT to cut asset maintenance costs by eliminating unnecessary excavations and providing data to allow asset life extension. It will also generate potential carbon savings of more than 2,000 tonnes annually, equivalent to the emissions from almost 500 UK households. It is a critical benefit as we move towards a low-carbon economy. In addition, National Grid are open and willing to discuss collaboration projects with any interested TSOs.


National Grid Gas

Hydrogen in the NTS

National Grid are partnering with the Health & Safety Executive to undertake a technical evaluation of the capability of the UK’s National Transmission System (NTS) to transport hydrogen. This project will run up to Spring 2019 and will generate a deeper understanding of how introducing hydrogen will affect gas transmission assets physically; and of the standards required to facilitate hydrogen introduction. The project will also use the findings to evaluate potential UK sites which could demonstrate hydrogen introduction at scale, further advancing the UK’s green energy ambitions.



Innovation in renewable gases

Interview with Thierry Trouvé to present the strengths and the place of renewable gas in the energy transition as well as the campaign 'Energy Possibles'. 


Open Grid Europe GmbH

Be smart build smart

The energy transition has consequences for all players in the market, and as a result costs have been rising. Individual stakeholders like Open Grid Europe are responding to this development in very different ways. Gas trading and storage, transmission capacities and, not least, costs: our video shows you what links up to what and how Open Grid Europe is attempting to counter the cost explosion resulting from the energy transformation with efficient products and intelligent solutions.
