
Annual Work Programme and Annual Reports

ENTSOG, as required by Regulation (EU) 2024/1789, publishes its Annual Work Programme (AWP) and Annual Report annually to inform stakeholders of planned activities and tasks undertaken. The Annual Report assesses ENTSOG’s work and achievements retrospectively for each given year and provides an opportunity for comparing the delivered results against the AWP. The ENTSOG AWP contains the expected activities for ENTSOG in the upcoming year, is aligned with the European Commission energy policies, takes into account the ACER opinions on ENTSOG’s work and allows the interested stakeholders to prepare their activities vis-à-vis ENTSOG.

ENTSOG Podcast

Join us to gain insight into the various types of work undertaken by ENTSOG, to ensure that European energy and climate goals can be achieved in most the effective and timely way. We speak with the ENTSOG team and the gas TSOs about current processes and innovative initiatives on transporting renewable and low-carbon molecules.

Press Releases

ENTSOG publishes press releases throughout the year to notify and inform stakeholders of various publications, events and activities. It is possible to subscribe to email updates, which includes notification of press releases and invitations to ENTSOG hosted events. 

Network Codes and Guidelines

Regulation (EU) 2024/1789 requires European-wide Network Codes (NC) to be developed by ENTSOG for cross-border network issues and market integration issues. The development phase of the NCs (as well as the EC Guidelines) as obligated by Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 is completed and within the current legislative framework ENTSOG is tasked to monitor and analyse the implementation of NCs and the EC Guidelines and their effect on the harmonisation of applicable rules aimed at facilitating market integration. Additionally and as needed, ENTSOG will also continue to actively participate in the further development of the NCs and the Guidelines through the Functionality Process and also the formal amendment process.

Scenarios and Infrastructure

One of ENTSOG’s main deliverables are short and medium to long-term assessments such as those included in the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) process, TYNDP being the Union-wide network development plan. In addition, the ENTSOG maps show commitment to transparency by providing up-to-date information to market participants.  

Security of Supply

ENTSOG has been tasked to deliver Summer Supply Outlook and Winter Supply Outlook reports, to assess the ability of the European gas infrastructures to provide flexibility as well as the resilience of the European gas infrastructures under peak conditions. Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 requires that ENTSOG carry out a Union-wide simulation of gas supply and infrastructure disruption scenarios. ENTSOG has also been tasked to take part in the works of the Gas Coordination Group and ensure functionality of the Regional Coordination System for Gas (ReCo System for Gas).

Transparency and Technical Cooperation

ENTSOG provides a Union-wide platform on which all gas TSOs gas make their relevant data publicly available - the Transparency Platform. This platform provides technical and commercial data on gas transmission systems, which include interconnection points and connections with storages, LNG facilities, distribution networks, final consumers and production facilities ENTSOG ensures facilitation of the existing ReCo System for Gas as a CNOT for emergency conditions, including a common incidents classification scale, and other supporting documentation for the ReCo Teams. ENTSOG also provides a long-term Gas Quality Outlook in the TYNDP.

Energy Transition

ENTSOG continues regular engagement with European Commission, ACER, stakeholders and ENTSOG’s members to ensure a constructive and effective mutual dialogue to enable a decarbonised infrastructure and achieve net-zero by 2050.  In addition to usual workshops and prime movers groups, the ENTSOG team facilitates value-chain discussions through the Advisory Panel for Future Gas Grids and the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance Roundtable on Clean Hydrogen Transmission and Distribution, among others. The ENTSOG team will undertake the necessary activities required within Directive (EU) 2024/1788 and Regulation (EU) 2024/1789 (the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Markets package adopted in May 2024), to decarbonise gas markets, promote hydrogen and biomethane and reduce methane emissions. 

Positions and Consultation Responses

ENTSOG’s formal responses to consultations and positions on various topics are prepared is to enhance transparency and facilitate information sharing.